My take on the Mediterranean-Dash diet for Neurodegenerative Delay or MIND diet.

December 31, 2021

The Mediterranean Diet includes whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, and loads of vegetables and fruits, moderate amounts of dairy, seafood poultry and fish. Sweets and red meats are eaten on special occasions.

Here’s a link to the Mayo Clinic explanation of the Mediterranean Diet.

The DASH diet limits sodium, saturated fats and sugar while encouraging foods rich in calcium and potassium. Here’s a link to the Mayo clinic explanation of the DASH diet.

So the MIND diet doesn’t change any of the those combined diets, but it does put positive emphasis on quantities and frequency for foods shown to be beneficial specificially for brain health.

Here’s the spread sheet that I made to track consumption of MIND foods.

Here is a link to a spreadsheet my friend, Wendy Bills, made which is organized much better and printable! (let me know if you have trouble with the upper link.)!Al4P7qKg-HCjtjxMmzMuW9KYmhnq?e=XN4gqX

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