SIMPLIFY! The delights of sloughing off the extraneous!

November 14, 2015

I loved a talk I heard over the weekend by Lynn G Robbins. He urged us to simpify our lives. He made the comment that “We don’t own things, our things own us. Things must be maintained, cleaned, paid for, and insured. Why not donate those items to someone who needs them or actually fits into them?” That hit home.. . right at the hips.

I always get the bug around this time of year. Spring fever makes me want to move and autumn fever makes me want to get rid of stuff.  To celebrate my birthday, I set a goal to get rid of 30 items of clothing.

Not one single thing I gave away is anything I’ll particularly miss. I found two items I had forgotten I owned. In fact, I don’t remember ever seeing them. I blame it on the humongous closets this house boasts. Jeff and I each have huge walk in closets  and it seems like they fill up with stuff without our really meaning to do it.

Now my closet is tidier. What a fun way to spend a birthday! I recommend it!

30 things! In some places in the world, that would outfit a village full of women!

Next is books. I’ve decided that if I will never read them again, and nobody else in my family is likely to want to read them, why not give them to someone who will? I’m starting today! 2015-11-13 18.11.56

Plus, it’s a good time to do it! It’s hard to buy more stuff for the holidays when it’s so much hard work to get rid of it. AND if you donate it to a thrift store associated with a charity like the Salvation Army or Disabled veterans, it’s also tax deductible. I dropped the clothes off at the HOPE center in Edmond. It included the CUTEST polka dot dress that I never wore because I bought it at a thrift store in hope that I might fit into it someday. Is that why they call that thrift store the HOPE center?

So. . .if anyone wants books, I’m going down by the contents of one case. I only keep the good ones. Yes, I’ll still have about a thousand, but I have to start somewhere. I have to admit, the books are going to hurt more than the clothes did.

After that, I’m going through pots and pans again. Well. . . we’ll see. I’m not sure I’m THAT brave!

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  • Reply Janna November 15, 2015 at 10:54 pm

    I really loved that talk. Everything he said struck a chord with me.

    I recently read this book called, “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up.” The author suggests you take every item (in your closet, for example) into your hands. One item at a time. If it sparks joy in you, you keep it. If it does not, you get rid of it. I love to keep things simple and am often donating items that we do not use, but I donated two or three times as many items using this method. I highly recommend the book.

  • Reply Jeana November 16, 2015 at 1:16 am

    I read the same book and give it 5 stars. I love that book. If you want to really go through your home thoroughly then I recommend reading this book and following the steps to a “T”. I have gone through most steps now and have gotten rid of 51 garbage bags of stuff and I am not through all the steps yet! It feels so nice to have that extra stuff out of my house.

    • Reply BEMS November 16, 2015 at 3:47 pm

      Thanks for the tip! The book sounds like it would be worthwhile.

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