Recipe similar to swiffer mop solution.

December 8, 2011
I loved my swiffer until the cleaning solution ran out and I looked at the price of a refill. Instead, I bought a reusuable chenile type pad, (which I love) and went to the dollar store and bought some floor cleaner that you mix with water. I got the cap off the swiffer bottle with a pair of pliers and refilled it with a diluted form of Dollar store floor cleaner. But I was disappointed in the results. It didn’t work nearly as well as the Swiffer original and left a ‘filmy residue’ (I know this sounds like a “but wait there’s more” infomercial.) But WAIT! I solved the problem.
Here’s the recipe that seems to work as well as the original swiffer cleaner and it dries quickly. It’s basically a window cleaner recipe without the blue dye or the swiffer scent.

To an empty original swiffer cleaner bottle add 1/2 cup rubbing alcohol, 2 tablespoons ammonia, 1 teaspoon of dish soap, fill the rest of the way with water. Swirl to mix and reinstall on your swiffer. The floors look much better and I know they’re really clean.
You don’t need the pliers to get the cap off after you have used them the first time.

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