Shame on those Tea partiers!

August 9, 2011
I am so shocked that tea partiers have destroyed our economy! It must be true, since John Kerry and others blame the fact that the USA was downgraded in its ability to repay debt on them. Those teapartiers must have been spending vast amounts of money on things that don’t repay or produce any benefit! They must have been borrowing money on behalf of the federal government that they couldn’t afford to pay back.
Waste, waste, waste! That’s all those tea partiers do! They must have been the ones that are trying to raise taxes on the types of businesses that produce jobs. What nation can stand higher taxes without expecting fewer people to make job-creating ventures? Shame on those Tea Partiers! They must have also been cozying up to unions that squash free market wages. Don’t you hate it when the union bullies get so much power that business dies under their crushing demands? The righteous liberals have been trying to disentangle themselves from union control for years so that they don’t have to do EVERYTHING the unions demand. . .But the darn unions know TOO many of the liberals’ secrets and the teapartiers MUST be supporting them as they crush industry.
It’s those teapartiers that MUST have been pouring billions of dollars of “stimulus” money down endless ratholes like Fanny Mae or companies that make trashy cars nobody wants. CAN WE AFFORD to spend money we don’t have on projects we don’t need or want? What were those TEA PARTIERS thinking! Now they have to OWN up to their careless, wanton wasteful habits and face the problem THEY have created. NOW they must face the downgraded credit problem and figure out how their going to finance the jumping mouse study in Colorado or the pig odor project in California. . . (although I can hardly see why we need a study for that, considering the politicians California chooses)
The only thing that I am having a hard time with is HOW the TEA Partiers managed to do all that! I’ve been to a couple of Tea Party rallies. They’re like July Fourth celebration with lots of American flags and patriotic speeches and eloquent speakers urging people to talk to their representatives and let them know what we value and what we dislike. They’re like fifth grade teachers telling shy students to “speak up!” I’ve never been asked to fund anything. I’ve never been asked to violate any laws. I’ve never even heard one person urging ANYTHING that was uncivil or rude or harmful to anyone.
  But even without a formal organization, even without dues or duties or paid officials, even without unions or a unifying agenda, the teapartiers managed to circumvent the senate and congress and president of the United States and sneak in and spend ALL of America’s money! They must have collectively stolen Uncle Sam’s identity and run up a behometh debt!
It’s a vile, evil thing to do. I can’t dispute that. But nevertheless, you have to admire that we unorganized, unfunded, unidentified tea partiers, (oops, I let it slip, yes I’M a tea partier) managed to make all that mischief right under the collective noses of Obama, Pelosi and Harry Reid and spend all America’s money. Forging all those welfare, grants, studies, projects and wars’ checks to the tune of TRillions of dollars and NOBODY ever caught them until now.
It must be true. John Kerry said it!

1 Comment

  • Reply Anonymous September 24, 2011 at 2:59 pm

    Where can I find Kerry's remarks – Perhaps in Kerry, chapter 2 verse 7?

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