dark sun, red moon hmmmmmm

June 9, 2011
“The sun shall be darkened and the moon will be turned to blood.” This is one of the many prophecies describing the last days. That is, the “last days before Jesus Christ returns to the earth.” The wicked and slothful and disobedient will be destroyed and the sincere disciples of Christ and the innocent, those who have no law or do not know the law will be protected. It will not matter what your position in a church is. There are pure in heart in many denominations. There are insincere members in every denomination. It will not matter who your family (good or bad) is. It won’t matter if you’re rich or poor, smart or . . .well, if you’re slow enough to not be accountable, you’ll be all right.  Before you read on, take an honest, naked evaluation of how you would feel meeting Jesus today. When the Lord gave the parable of the Ten Virgins, the Sheep and the Goats and the Talents, he was addressing those in our day who claim to be in His Church. I note that in each example they may not be overtly wicked, but slothful and disobedient.
 Have you noticed the hot, dirty dishwater sky and and the blood-red moon lately?

There’s something that all of us should recognize about prophecy. A prophet sees the future. But as is apparent in the Bible’s book of Revelation, John saw things that he didn’t understand at all until the Lord gave him the translation. (He saw candlesticks that stood for churches in seven places) etc.What would Isaiah and Ezekiel and John and Jesus himself have said when they saw the conditions of our day?

Prophets describe what they see in the best language they can. It doesn’t do any good to tell a bunch of 32 A.D. shepherds that fiery explosive missiles will rain down from the sky. But watch a night video of Gaza and you’ll see exactly what he described. He said “The stars will fall from the heavens.” They looked into the future and saw violence and vanity and sin at night and the moon looked like blood. It was an apt symbol of our bloodthirsty ways, but it was also what he saw. They also saw the sun and moon darkened by smoke and massive storms.
They didn’t need to say that it was explainable by a volcano to the west or massive fires burning in Arizona or Texas or the vast pollution from factories in other countries that tint the moon red. They just described what they saw in the best language they had.
There is another prophecy that is almost self-fulfilling. After Nephi quotes Isaiah and prophecies himself, he says that many in our day will be pacified and in their carnal security say, “all is well in Zion. Zion prospereth.”
If you smile at the notion that prophecy is being fulfilled all around us, you are pacified, failing to watch and to be preparing diligently as Jesus admonished.
Regardless of the exact day and hour of the return of Jesus Christ, we are all told that NOW is the day to prepare. Our little children need to be taught to avoid the ugly, immodest, inane, vain, blasphemous, dishonest, Sabbath desecrating ways and styles that they will be surrounded with. We need to teach our teens to stay far from the line of inappropriate and to stand for righteousness in all times and places. We need to be active adults in living according to the Sermon on the Mount. We have everything we need to align ourselves with our Heavenly Father.
“How oft would I have gathered you as a hen gathereth her chicks under her wings. . .but you would not.” Will we now?

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  • Reply Rob and Marseille June 9, 2011 at 9:08 pm

    the moon isn't red where we live…do you think it will need to be red over the whole earth? (Michael loves pointing out the moon & even almost sounds like the word, which surprised me because it was just a small sliver, around dinner time, so still light out.)

  • Reply Beth M. Stephenson June 9, 2011 at 9:11 pm

    No I don't think it must be universal.Whirlwinds, earthquakes, wars, etc are localized. If those prophets were seeing into the future, they may have had glimpses of many different areas. Besides, I think everyone has seen red moons sometimes. In addition,it could be symbolic also of bloodshedding and crime in the night. Most prophecy has more than one layer of meaning.

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